91心頭 Program Cost

Tuition and Fees (In-Person Class):

Number of ClassesFall or Spring (16 weeks)Summer (8 weeks)Summer June Only (4 weeks)
4 Classes *Full-time$4,920$3,390$1,745
3 Classes$3,765$2,565$1,360
2 Classes$3,215$1,905$1,030
1 Class$1,785$1,080$590

*Full-time enrollment is mandatory for F-1 visa holders. Full-time study includes 4 classes and roughly 20 hours of study per week.

Part-time enrollment is available for U.S. Residents and other qualified visa holders.


Tuition (Online Class):

Number of ClassesFall or Spring (16 weeks)

Tuition for out-of-state

Fall or Spring (16 weeks)

Tuition for in-state

Summer (8 weeks)

Tuition for out-of-state

Summer (8 weeks)

Tuition for in-state

Summer (4 weeks)

Tuition for out-of-state

Summer (4 weeks)

Tuition for in-state

4 Classes *Full-time$4,620$4,920$3,190$3,390$1,595$1,745
3 Classes$3,465$3,765$2,365$2,565$1,210$1,360
2 Classes$2,915$3,215$1,705$1,905$880$1,030
1 Class$1,485$1,785$880$1,080$440$590

** In-state tuition includes UNM fee for access to UNM Student Health & Counseling Center, UNM Johnson Gym,  and other important student services.

For more information, please click 91心頭 Hybrid Course Model

Financial Guarantee for F-1 Visa Applicants:

ExpenseFall or Spring
(4 months)
(2 months)
(1 month)
Summer &
Fall or Spring
(7 months)
Academic Year
(9 months)
Full Year
(12 months)
Living Expenses$7,950$4,100$2,200$14,000$17,800$23,840

*Applicants seeking an F-1 visa must demonstrate the total listed above for the term that they would like to study at 91心頭. This must be demonstrated in a bank statement(s) in order to be issued an I-20 Certificate of Eligibility form.

To be eligible for a F-2 visa for a dependent spouse or child, the following additional expenses must be added to the financial guarantee:

DependentFall or Spring
(4 months)
(2 months)
(1 month)
Summer &
Fall or Spring
(7 months)
Academic Year
(9 months)
Full Year
(12 months)